When I was expecting my first baby, I thought diaper rashes are something that can be easily prevented with frequent changes and cleanings, and I didn’t have any doubt that my baby was never going to have them. Little did I know… and now I laugh at my arrogance, and whenever I read on some smart website that ‘diaper rash happens when the skin covered by the diaper is wet or soiled for too long‘. It is not correct, diaper rash just happens! It happens despite tons of different ways to prevent it and impeccable hygiene. It also varies by kids. My first daughter, who, being the first, was obsessively guarded from every little germ, frequently experienced it, making me feel like a bad mom. With my second, ‘backup’ daughter as my husband calls her, I lowered my ‘baby care standards’ significantly but she hardly ever had any redness.
Over the years, I have tried a lot of the commercial products, mostly natural, but A&D made its way into that list as well. My favorite kind became Earth Best cream which worked better than anything else, at least for my kids. I liked the fact that when I went to change a diaper after applying it – there was still whitish film coating the little bottoms. It didn’t get fully absorbed by the skin or the diaper, which was exactly what I was trying to accomplish – create a barrier that stays around.
I’ve also tried all kinds of homemade diaper rash cream, but never really found ‘the one’. Most recipes use shea butter, which makes the creams too hard. I think that zinc is a must. It’s really effective at preserving skin’s moisture barrier, which is what protects the skin against bacteria (source). As soon as I saw this study, showing the effectiveness of topical application of olive oil, honey and beeswax, the recipe for my homemade diaper rash cream was born. It turned out to be more effective than the Earth Best cream. I use it with an occasional outbreak on my 2.5 year old (‘undies rash cream’?) and that’s the only thing I’ll be using with my third baby, due in a few months.
This homemade diaper rash cream recipe is very easy to throw together and doesn’t require any skills. I have added melted beeswax to the recipe a couple of times in the past but haven’t noticed the difference between ‘with’ and ‘without’, and think it’s a lot easier not to have to melt it.
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons manuka honey (or any raw honey)
- 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil (I love[url href=”https://jovialfoods.com/shop/from-our-farm/olive-oil/olive-oil-liter.html” target=”_blank”] this brand[/url])
- 3 tablespoons zinc oxide powder ([url href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DZ3YTGK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1″ target=”_blank”]where to buy zinc oxide[/url])
- 2 tablespoons melted beeswax (optional)
- 10 drops of lavender oil (optional)
- Warm the coconut to liquid consistency. I just put it next to a stove while cooking something.
- Add honey, olive oil, zinc powder, then melted beeswax and lavender oil, if using.
- Mix everything well with a small spoon. Transfer to a small jar, keep for up to six months.
Hey mama I love this post! It’s perfect! I was curious as to the zinc oxide, I use cloth diapers and I wanted to go without adding the zinc do you think it would work alright?
Hi Sarah, I’ve seen a bunch of stuff on the internet warning not to use oil based creams with cloth diapers, and it makes sense as far as residue buildup. This stuff is pretty tough to clean. Baby stores sell those little bamboo liners that can be used as a barrier between a well-oiled butt and a cloth diaper. I’d use those, if I were you 🙂
I also used straight warmed up honey with some zinc powder mixed in once upon a time and that was less messy and seemed to work well. 🙂
Can this be made without the zinc oxide powder ?