Home Dessert Homemade Raw Milk Chocolate Ice Cream

Homemade Raw Milk Chocolate Ice Cream

by Valeria - Beets 'n Bones blog

One way or another, you are going to eat ice cream in the next couple of weeks. Even if you are on a ‘no ice cream’ diet, or diabetic, you will cheat. It’s just the way of the world.. If you admit that much, instead of giving in to a random craving and grabbing some crap bar with a list of ingredients that would have any chemistry major scratching their head – make this wholesome deliciousness, and keep it in your freezer until that fancy strikes.

Here is why you should consume raw dairy. EthicalFoods.com has a helpful article about raw vs. pasturized, good read if you are new to the idea of raw dairy. If you live in Chicago, get yours at Amish Healthy Foods. Or you can use this website to search for sources in your area.

Homemade Raw Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Valeria – Beets ‘n Bones
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 2 egg yolks from pastured chickens
  • 1/2 cup sweetener of your choice
  • 1. 5 cup raw whole milk
  • 1.5 cup raw heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup [url href=”https://www.beetsandbones.com/make-kefir-and-why-you-should/” target=”_blank” title=”How to Make Kefir, and Why You Should”]homemade kefir,[/url] or live yogurt
  • 1/2 cup raw cacao powder, non alkalized
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt, or Himalayan salt
  • 1 tablespoon vodka (optional, to prevent freezing)
  1. Before you start, make sure your ice cream maker bowl has been chilling in the freezer for the past 24 hours.
  2. In a mixer or blender, whip egg yolks with sugar until they turn lighter color.
  3. Add milk, cream, kefir or yogurt, cacao powder, vanilla, salt and vodka, if using. Mix at low speed for 5-10 minutes to get everything really blended. You don’t want to whip hard, otherwise it might separate. The mixture will be runny and probably splash, so don’t wear your Sunday’s best during this stage.
  4. Cool the mixture to 40ºF.
  5. Churn, following manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. You can eat it right away as soft serve, or keep it in the freezer overnight for harder consistency.
I added half a cup of toasted pecans before putting it in the ice cream maker. Only because I had a taste for something fudgy-nuttie-gooey. And topped it with raspberries from the garden because we have a lot. Last night was remarkable for having beautifully behaved toddlers who were good because they saw mommy make chocolate ice cream.



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steve December 9, 2015 - 3:47 pm

Somewhere on this blog is something about Kuna natives and cocoa. It comes up in a google browser search, pointing to your blog.

Alas, when I enter the blog, I don’t find anything about that topic. The info seems to be buried here, invisibly.

Valeria - Beets 'n Bones blog December 9, 2015 - 3:56 pm

Hey Steve, it’s probably this old post, or this Instagram posting.

What I normally do to get a beverage along the lines of what Kuna Indians drink is make this: 1 cup coconut milk, 1 banana, 2-3 tablespoons of raw cacao powder and mix it in a Blendtec on hot setting. I think Kuna don’t add coconut milk and just use hot water, but I prefer the version with coconut milk. There is not a whole lotta info out there about that magic cacao drink, hope this helps a little 🙂


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